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Nam Khanh Tran

Applied Scientist

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Coding in Python is awesome and is getting more awesome with every new release! This is mainly due to the massive amount of freely available libraries, its readability, and the recently introduced type annotations. However, maintaining a big python project still keeps very challenging, especially because of versioning issue. In big companies (Amazon, Google, Facebook), there are a bunch of different ways to handle this issue. Here is a list of tools that can be used to ease this pain.

This post aims to keep notes for myself. The content is relied heavily on a great post.

The python environment


Most of the time I have been using anaconda and pip, but pyenv is also a great tool to manage python intepreters.

  • Install

    curl | bash
  • Add pyenv to PATH

    export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
  • Install a python intepreter

    pyenv install --list
    pyenv global 3.7.5 # make it a default global intepreter

Dependency Management


So far I’ve been using pip/anaconda to manage project dependencies, which is sometimes very messy and painful. poetry is the tool that I’ve been tried to help me get rid of this pain (still exploring this tool).

  • Install

    curl -sSL | python
    # Another way
    # Create a virtual environment called tools that is based on 3.7.5
    pyenv virtualenv 3.7.5 tools 
    # Install poetry into the tools virtual env
    pyenv activate tools
    pip install poetry 
    # Check installed poetry version
    poetry --version
    # Leave the virtual env 
    pyenv deactivate 
    # This does not work yet 
    poetry --version
    # Add your tools virtual env to the globally available ones
    pyenv global 3.7.5 tools
    # Now this works and you can start using poetry
    poetry --version
  • Configure

    # create `.venv` folder inside the project directory --> IDEs (Pycharm) recognizes the correct intepreter more easily
    poetry config true
  • Create new project

    # Initialze a new project
    poetry new dsexample
    cd dsexample
    # Add modules and create virtual environment.
    poetry add pandas=0.25 fastapi --extras all
    # As an example of how you could add a git module
    poetry add tf2-utils --git